How to Get Anti-Photo People to Take Great Pictures

Ok who is it?  Husband?  Teenager? Kiddo? Wife?  Who doesn’t like to take pictures? When you get a whole group of people together, whether it’s your spouse, your extended family, or your wedding party, there’s bound to be someone who thinks photoshoots are some form of cruel and unusual punishment.

They might think they’re going to have to sit still for too long.
They might think someone’s going to ask them to “give a serious face.”
They might think it’s all just a big charade of fake laughter and Awkward Family Photo poses.
They might think they just don’t photograph well, and they’re already expecting to hate the final product.

But, you want nice pictures.  So this photoshoot is HAPPENING whether they like it or not.Here are five things you can do to prepare the anti-photoshoot people in your life to have an AMAZING shoot.

  1. Don’t be above bribes. I find this works for all types of people.  Ice cream after a family shoot?  Heck yeah!  Champagne (or shots – you know your people!) after wedding formals?  Duh!  Bribing doesn’t make you tricky, it makes you strategic.
  2. Remind them that you’ve hired someone to make you look good. In my mind, that’s what a good photographer does.  If you’re self-conscious of an area on your body or don’t want to highlight a certain feature, tell your photographer!  It’s our job to make you look and feel AWESOME in your photos.  Some poses might even feel a liiiiitle awkward, but I promise that some of the tiny tweaks I make to your posing are going to make you look BOMB on camera.
  3. Don’t tell them. Ok maybe this won’t work for adults, but you definitely don’t have to warn kids about our photoshoot.  Just tell them you’re going to go play in the park with Miss Sarah!  I promise I am an excellent hide and seeker and will make the session fun and interesting for everyone – no “hold still and say cheese” over here!
  4. Tell them it’s for grandma. No one can say no to that.  “Smile, so we can give this picture to grandma!”  “Let’s get a happy picture to send to Grandma!” – you get the idea.  Even your wedding party can get on board with that!

I hope this helps you get even the most reluctant model on board!  And worst case scenario, leave it to your photographer.  We all have a few funny tricks up our sleeves, and I'm certainly not above getting people to laugh at my expense!


My Editing Process and Favorite Tools


Preparation Timeline for your Family or Lifestyle Photoshoot