Just Another Mom with a Camera

Did you know that there is this whole joke about moms with cameras? Like to make fun of a new photographer you say “oh yeah she’s just another mom with the camera.” Y’all!! I don’t even know that I was supposed to feel BAD about being a mom with a camera until I read about it on the stupid Internet.

Well I suppose I really don’t feel bad about it at all because being a mom with the camera has a pretty sweet perks.

 I get to have cute kid pictures ALL the time. I get to have lots of great family vacation pictures. I get to work on something creative and build a business that will helps me contribute to my family financially and hopefully spend more time with them in the future. In my completely un-biased opinion, being a mom with the camera is actually pretty freaking cool!

OK…do I sound defensive? Maybe I am a little bit.

I understand that this label is coming from the idea that anybody thinks they can pick up a camera and start a photography business.   And I know that’s what some seasoned photographers don’t love that about this business - those amateurs tend to price out high-end photographers and oversaturate the already crowded market. But, y’all. That’s ME.  That’s exactly how I got started.  I picked up a camera, I took a class because I wanted to take better pictures of my kid, and almost a year later I’m sitting here at the starting line of business that I LOVE.

Does that make me an imposter?  Does that mean I’m JUST a mom with a camera?

When people make a value statement about someone else with a label like “just,” it’s hard to ignore.  I even see it seep into my own interpretation of my work.  It’s much less scary to say “oh, I also have this little photography business going, but it’s just a side thing” than it is to shout it from the rooftops.  I see it happen to other people all the time too - especially in the creative industry and especially with women.

“I’m just a blogger”

“It’s just a side hustle”

“I just design logos during naptime”

“I’m just a stay at home mom”

Just. Just. Just.

For now, I’ll take the mom and the camera but try and leave the “just.”  And I’ll just repeat that over and over again to myself until I stop instinctively minimizing my work.  Right? Easier said than done of course.

But I can definitely commit to reminding other women that they are more than JUST. Ya with me?

If it's still scary to talk about your OWN accomplishments, I recommend starting by telling the women in your life how awesome you think THEY are.  I'll start!  Come find me on Instagram today where I'm talking about some incredible women doing awesome things.Why I'm not JUST a mom with a camera, and you're not JUST anything either.


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