Coming Soon…

My blog has said “coming soon…” for at least two years ha! I guess “soon” is relative?

2022 has gone out with a bang, but if I’m honest, staring down 2023 feels like I’m about to jump off of a cliff. There is so much coming up in our life - another move (Houston to Fort Worth for an exciting job opportunity for Luke and a chance to be closer to my family), packing, selling a house, new schools, new jobs, and new friends. I think I was just starting to feel some sense of recovery from the pandemic and new parenting (not to mention pandemic parenting), and it freaks me out a bit to go back into the survival mode that I know is required for moving. I don’t feel worried per se because I do truly believe things will all work out, but I know that these next few months will require a lot of me, and I’m tired just thinking about it haha. Luckily, I have more support, more knowledge, and older kids now - all of which will hopefully make this easier! Surely I’ll have it down now with my 4th move in 3 years, right?

I’ve always been an internal processor. The words just flow so much easier from my hands than my mouth. So, this transitional time, combined with a new year and the need for a creative outlet means that January 1st is as good of a time as any to revive this corner of the internet.

I don’t have a plan (hold for the gasps, since I nearly always have a plan that I stick to ruthlessly for no reason until I run myself into the ground and give up or get mad at someone for not sticking to my plan - just me?), so if there’s anything you’d like to hear, let me know! In the past, I’ve shared my photography, recipes, home projects, and stories. I’m the queen of recommendations - from books to must-have Amazon orders - and I love to hear about what other people recommend, so I’ll do some of that too! It’s no coincidence that I fell off the writing wagon about the time I had kids, but I do hope to include more about our lives and the girls as they grow up - it’s already happening much too fast. I’m sure it will be quite a mixed bag, so if you plan to join me, please take what you like and leave the rest. I’m excited to connect with others in this way, but I’m promising myself that I’ll keep showing up, even if my mom is the only one who reads this (hi, mom!).

Here’s to new adventures and New Year’s!




My Top 10 Amazon Buys of 2022


How to Plan an Effective Brand Photoshoot