5 Apps Parents NEED But Don't Exist Yet (and 5 that do!)

How many times have we heard "there's an app for that"?  I can still hear the commercial ringing in my ears.Well, y'all.  There are a few apps I could really use that no one has made yet.Ever wish there was an app for that?  Here are 5 apps this mama desperately need someone to create.  Plus 5 apps I use daily as a mom! #mom #momblogger #technology #appsforparents.  

  1. WaZZZe: The navigation app that takes the longest possible route home with NO RED LIGHTS when the baby is napping in the car.  For those times when one foot on the brake equals cries from the backseat.
  2. You Broke It: The app that makes it seem like your phone is broken.  Sorry, kid.  No Dora on YouTube, no games, no selfies, no nothing.  Why? Because you broke it. And because you have asked for my phone 489253891264 times.
  3. iSpy: The app that plays I Spy with your kid FOREVER.  Because I can only pretend to spy so many things that are blue when the answer is always the sky.
  4. Alexa Takes a Nap: The app that lets Alexa respond "Sorry, I can't right now.  It's quiet time."  Better yet, it automatically takes over on the 20th time my kid asks Alexa to play "Let it Go."
  5. Can't Touch This (Kid):  Well this one is self-explanatory, but I could really use an alarm that goes off or even a fake phone call for those times when the old lady cheek pinchers start heading my way in Target.  "Sorry lady, have to take this!" (This could also be helpful pre-baby for when strangers think they can touch your belly... just spitballing here.)

Anyone feel me on these? Can a mama get a Kickstarter please?Just in case these don't get picked up by any Silicon Valley developers, here are 5 Parents Apps that DO exist that are pretty cool too.

  1.  iBabyCare: This app syncs with your monitor to allow you to check on baby anywhere.  Or your dog, which is what we used it for before baby girl was born... don't judge.
  2. Family Sharing and Ask to Buy: Not an app, strictly speaking, but this feature is AWESOME for those of you with kids old enough to have their own devices.  You can only keep your Apple ID password a secret for so long with super smart and tech savvy kiddos around.  This feature allows you to APPROVE purchases before any money is spent.
  3. OurPact: Again for older kids, but you can manage screen time AND teach the value of time management with this app.  Kids get a screen time "allowance," and you can even manage down to the app level.  There's also a locator feature, which is kind of creepy and Big Brother to me, but I'm sure I'll have a change of heart once my kid can (and wants to) be more than 3 feet away from me in public.
  4. White Noise: The best FREE White Noise app out there.  Great for babies who are learning to live outside the womb and for kids trying to sleep at grandma's house when Uncle Joe is yelling at the football game on TV after one (or seven) too many beers.
  5. Calm Meditation App: This one's for you, mom and dad.  For when you lock yourself in the bathroom (or pantry) and just need. a. minute.  Make those minutes count with a breather in the Calm app.  I love this app because it features so many topics (stress, sleep, forgiveness...), is be-YOU-tiful to look at, and helps you track meditations on a calendar.  Lord knows I love tracking things on calendars and check lists.

BONUS: This post does a great job explaining how to adjust your settings to free up space on your iPhone.  Helpful when pictures of Junior max out at 5289584 per day.

If you have any favorite parenting apps, feel free to drop them in the comments below!  I'd love to know what keeps you sane and organized with your constant companion (the phone, not the kid)!

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