5 Healthy Mindsets to Keep All Year

If I'm totally honest, I have a lot of work to do to feel back to a healthy version of myself.  Even before baby, I was not prioritizing my health.  And when she got here?  Well, I've never met a cuter Priority Number One.But I know that I would feel better about myself physically and mentally if I did spend more time and energy taking care of me.  And I also know that I've been saying this for months.  Years, really.  Why is it so hard to make the changes I want to make if I WANT to, and I know I NEED to?  That's a tough question for a later date, but I think about it often.  For now, I'm thinking about how to shift my... well, thinking.Here are the five mindsets I'm committing to this year.  And it WILL be the whole year - not just January, and not just pre-swimsuit season, and not just pre-holidays.  None of these things are difficult.  It's all about mindset.

Focus on what you can have, not what you can't.

There are SO many vegetables that I love!  And I can afford them.  I have access to them.  I have time to cook them and a family who eats them. There is no reason I can't get my greens in.

Sleep and drink water.

It's free, and it's not that hard (unless you have a kid who disagrees, which sometimes I do... but then I'll reference #4).

Move Every Day.

Stretch before bed, park at the end of the parking lot, take the stairs, have a walking meeting.  Also, none of that is going to make me drop pounds. It might help, but if weight loss is my goal, I will have to push myself further.

Focus on your locus of control.

I want to spend less time worrying about what I can't control, and more time taking charge of what I can.

Consistency over perfection.

I won't give up if I "mess up" or "try again tomorrow."  I can try again in the next minute because I don't have to be perfect.  I just have to keep going.Anyone with me?  I'm taping this to my bathroom mirror riiiiiiiiiiight NOW.This post may contain affiliate links.  Please see my disclosure for more information.(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});


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