Emily Grace is TWO - Houston Arboretum Childhood Photo Session

This little woodland fairy just turned two, and I had the honor of capturing this special season of life for Emily and her mama!I love newborns and couples and families, but man there is just something about getting to watch a little one's personality unfold that brings me immeasurable joy.  We spent two hours getting to know each other, walking around the Arboretum, and just letting Emily be Emily while I snapped away from behind the camera.As soon as I met this mama, I knew she was my kind of people.  No one knows that time moves too fast better than the mom of a toddler, and Emily's mama was determined to freeze these precious moments in photographs.So we danced and we ran.......we read books...and we played with flowers!We caught silly faces...and LOTS of giggles - mostly directed at mama!And most importantly, we caught such special moments of love between Emily and her mama.Mamas, if I could give you one piece of advice about photographing the toddler years, it would be to photograph those kiddos as. they. are.  Capture them playing and laughing, and for goodness sakes, capture them with YOU!The giggles and kisses of this joyful little girl are going to be the pieces of art that hang on the walls of Emily's home for years to come, and I am so glad that her mama chose me to be a part of it.


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