More and Less in 2023

Inspired by a post on Instagram that I can’t find now to save my life… but here’s my take anyway!

2023 is for more…

Movement. Stillness. Hot baths with headache ice packs. Reading by candlelight. Recognizing the good old days while I live them. Writing. Board games with my kids. Going with the flow. Girls’ Nights. Vacation moments in the every day. Playing outside. Strength training. Water. Family dinners. Dreaming together. Birkenstocks. Spontaneous phone calls. Therapy. Pictures of mom.

2023 is for less…

Trying to control what I can’t control. Uber Eats and Instacart. Efficiency for the sake of efficiency. Tik Tok acronyms. Cardio I hate. Being the snack bitch. Replaying conversations. Starting books I never finish. Wine. Waiting for someone else to say hi first. Screens at the table. Planning alone. Crop tops. Ignoring intuition. Unsolicited advice.


My Top 10 Amazon Buys of 2022