Owens Family - Extended Family Photos

Meet the Owens family!  All 14 of them!  I love a big family shoot for a million reasons, but this family sure holds a special place in my heart.Those folks on the right (the fiery redhead, her handsome hubby, and those two practically teenaged model kids) were the first "real friends" that Luke took me to meet when we started dating.  And by "real friends," I mean we went to dinner with this already married couple instead of meeting up with a huge group of friends at a bar.  It was kind of a big deal for my 23 year-old self, and this whole family has continued to show up for us in big ways throughout our relationship.They're the kind of people that treat you like family and have plenty of love to go around.I was so honored when they asked me to capture photos while the whole family was in town for the holidays - and they have some big things to celebrate from 2018!  Like two sweet new babies!Little man was just two weeks old, and his "big" cousin joined the family in May!  This little lady was such a joy to photograph! I love this smiley, personality-filled, but can't run away from me yet age!And we HAD to get lots of pictures of Grandma and Grandpa with the grandkids.  I just love these shots.  I also love how absolutely over-the-top ridiculous all of their parents were being behind me to get 6 kids to look at the camera and smile all at the same time.  It takes a village, y'all.Big family sessions are fun because we're able to do so many combinations of people.  We got the little families....and the moms and dads too!  They're so easy to photograph... and it helps that they're all beautiful too!  Those six kiddos are lucky to see love and faith modeled daily in their homes, and if you've been married with kids for any length of time, you know that's no accident.  The commitment these couples have made to each other is certainly worth celebrating and documenting.This family has love coming out of their ears, and it's being passed right on down to the youngest generations.  These cousins are SO sweet together!And much like great companies do not exist without great leaders, so do great families.  The leaders of this family exemplify generosity and kindness in a way that just makes you want to be better.  I know I'm not the first to say that the Owens family has treated me like one of their own since they welcome everyone they meet with open arms.Owens family, I'm so grateful to you for all of your love and support over the years.  It's been an honor to watch you grow!PS real life shooting with one zillion children also looks like this... and sometimes these pictures are my favorites!


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