Survival Tips When Your Whole Household is Sick

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you purchase using one of the links in this post, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you, Thanks for your support!Flu season is hitting HARD this year, and while it hasn't invaded the Tanner household (*knock on wood*), we've had what seems like more than our fair share of colds.  Between daycare germs and cold and flue season, baby girl has had a cold for almost two months.  She just can't catch a break.  And while it's no fun to see her sniffly and sick, being sick while taking care of a sick kid is the WORST.  And I hear this fun season of life isn't going away any time soon.  Here's what we do to grin and bear it... or sometimes cry and bear it because that's ok too. 

  1. Rest when you can, drink fluids when you can't.

You can’t take care of a kid when you don’t take care of yourself, but of course the helpless baby or needy kiddo takes priority.  That said, don’t be a hero.  Rest when they rest.  And if you just can’t get more sleep in – or worse, you’re getting less because they can’t sleep – drink lots and lots of water.  (And some coffee… but mostly water)2Find new indoor activities.Build a fort, fill a plastic container with rice and little toys for an "I Spy Bottle", hide and seek for objects around the house, make cloud dough, put paint blobs on a piece of posterboard inside a zip top bag, bust out a new movie or rent one on demand.  Basically, anything goes.3. Let things slide.The dishes, the trash, the toys.  It will all still be there when you feel a little better.  Again, don't be a hero. Order in or make a sheet tray dinner (line with foil – no clean up!).  Eat off paper plates if you just can’t stand the thought of dishes in the sink.4. Quarantine if you can, disinfect if you can't.If you can separate the sick from the non-sick, by all means, go for it.  But that just isn’t always possible.  Do your best to disinfect and keep hands washed - a new hand washing song might help! Maybe one about washing germs down the sink? – but know that the germs might spread anyway.  You can’t prevent it all, and you definitely don’t need to drive yourself crazy trying to Lysol every surface only to end up with 2 sick kids instead of 1 anyway.5. Soak up snuggles, even if they're snotty.There is just nothing sweeter than a sick kiddo that just wants to lay their head on you.  Even if that head is full of mucous that is probably infecting you through your skin.6. Wait out the storm.It won’t last forever right?  Unless you’re going on week 8 and slowly losing your mind, like I am.  But still, I have to remind myself that it won’t be forever.  There will be a day when she doesn’t sneeze her brains out, and we will eventually be able to put away the NoseFrida.  But for now, we’ll just keep trucking.Good luck to all you other cold and flu season warriors out there.  I’m sending you healthy vibes and tissues from Houston!PS did I miss anything? AKA, does anyone have any advice for me?  Is she ever going to get better? HELP.(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});


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