Make Your At Home Blowout Last All Week

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you purchase using one of the links in this post, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you, Thanks for your support!I hate washing my hair.  Actually, to be exact, I hate DRYING my hair.  It is thick and heavy and holds water like duck feathers, so a blow dry session can take 45 minutes.  And I just don't have time to do that every day!  I used to just wash my hair at night and let it air dry, but it was still wet in the morning and just ended up being a frizzy mess.  Sometimes I even skipped workouts because I didn't want to dry my hair...which is kind of sad and totally against my goals.I started playing around with different techniques and products, and I think I finally found the perfect combination.  These steps and products below allow me to only wash my hair on Sunday and still look polished all week!  It takes a little more time up front, but I know this wash will get me through the work week and at least three workouts, so I'll take it for sure.  Scroll down for my how-to.Make Your At Home Blowout Last All Week


Brush your hair out.  Then, use the Scalp Brush (my blowout MVP) to really scrub at the roots of your hair.  This should loosen all product build up and dead skin. Scrub all around your roots, especially along your part and at the front and top of your head.  Those areas tend to show the most oil and grease, so we want them extra clean.


In the shower, shampoo your hair TWICE with a clarifying shampoo.  Charcoal is all the rage these days in face masks and even drinks, and for good reason!  It detoxifies and cleanses naturally.  The double shampoo is a trick I learned from Dry Bar too.  Again, your goal is to get your roots super clean because you won't be washing them for awhile.After you rinse your second shampoo, condition your hair from the middle to ends.  No need to get at the roots, but you do want to make sure you get some moisture throughout the rest of your hair to combat frizz and dryness.  I usually leave the conditioner in for a few minutes while I shave my legs, then rinse thoroughly.I've also had similar results with this all-natural combo from Amazon for a more budget friendly option!  Plus that peppermint tingle is the bestttt.


Pat your hair dry with a towel (don't rough it up - frizz alert!) then detangle with a wide-tooth comb.  Comb a dime sized amount of Moroccan Oil from the middle of the hair to the ends to protect from heat damage.


Ok y'all, this is an investment, but having a good hair dryer is pretty key.  You can (obvi) dry your hair with your trusty Target dryer, but a good one like Dry Bar's is going to dry your hair faster.  This way you're not only saving time but also saving your hair from being under the heat for longer.  Blow dry by running your fingers through your hair until it is almost completely dry.  I flip my head upside down and to each side as I'm doing this to really get things dry.When your hair is 80% dry, clip your hair into 4-5 sections.  I usually section off the very top middle, each side from top to the middle of my ear line, and then each side on the bottom to make 5 total sections.  You want to go from 80% to 100% dry in sections using a brush to smooth the hair as you dry.  I personally am not coordinated enough to do round brush drying like they do at the salon, so I just brush as I dry normally.


Once your hair is completely dry, run a straightener over it to smooth.  I sometimes finish with a spritz of hairspray, especially if it's humid (and it usually is because Houston).  I also swear by this texturizing spray, so it's not too silky on the first day.  This lets me get that second day look without getting my roots greasy or product-y too early in the week.And there you have it!  This style lasts for me for about two days and a workout even without dry shampoo.  Then, I start to doctor it up to make it last longer.  Here's a typical week with some tips for extending the life of your hard-earned blowout:Sunday: Wash day, hair is straight and down.Monday: Post workout shower with a shower cap then smoothed any frizzies with straightener.  Maybe more texturizing spray towards the middle and ends.Tuesday: Add some curl at the ends with a straightener or curling iron to prevent hair from looking stringy.  Adding a little bend or movement has a magical way of making hair look less dirty without adding any product.Wednesday: Post workout shower with a shower cap then brush hair out, maybe wear it half up, maybe touch up curls at the ends, dry shampoo before bed.Thursday: Brush into pony tail or bun (I kid you not, the week I was testing all of this for y'all to capture the details for this post, a co-worker asked me on Thursday why I "looked so nice."  I LOLed).  For some reason this doesn't look totally thrown together when you have curled hair in a pony tail.  Maybe it looks like you meant to?  Whatever, I'll take it.  Apply dry shampoo at roots before bed.Friday: Brush all the way from roots to ends.  Touch up curls and go with a pony tail if needed or wear it half up.Saturday: After another workout, hair is pretty dirty at this point.  But my weekend life involves a lot of workout clothes and pony tails, so I just roll with it.  If I'm going somewhere on Saturday night, I'll go ahead and move my hair wash up a day, but sometimes I can even get away with brushing it out one last time and pinning the top front section back with bobby pins.

Final Thoughts

Your shower cap is your bestie, so get a good one.Of course, I can only speak to how this works on my hair, which is wavy, thick, and sometimes color-treated.  BUT, even if you can't make your blowout last all week, I'm confident these products and tips will make it last longer than it did before!And finally, this doesn't really have to do with my blowout, but I will go to the grave shouting about the benefits I've seen from incorporating collagen into my daily routine.  My hair and nails have never been healthier AND I'm getting protein in my coffee.  2 scoops every day!Did I miss any tips you use to make your hair last through a workout or through the work week?  Are there any products I need to know about?  I must admit, I'm a bit of a brand loyalist, so I don't branch out much.  I do have my eyes on the Dry Bar dry shampoo though... if you love it, let me know in the comments below!



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