The King Family - Memorial Park Holiday Photos

Happy Holidays from this brand new family of three - the Kings!  Our family holiday photo session in Memorial Park was the stuff of photographers' dreams.  Cute new baby + gorgeous and in LOVE with life mama and daddy + that golden hour light is a combination that gives me chills.Little man is only 14 weeks old, and he's already a pro-model.  I mean can you check out that blue steel look?!  He was so expressive and alert the whole time, but he absolutely LIT. UP. when his mama made funny faces.  I am not exaggerating when I say that this session made me even more excited for my own new baby coming in March!  I completely remember how awesome I felt when I finally started to feel like a normal human again around the 3-4 month mark.  Like when you get one of those random 4-6 hour stretches of sleep at night that you haven't had in weeks, and you suddenly feel like a New Woman Who Can Take On The World.  I know you new parents feel me on this!!  Mom and Dad turned it up to 11 for family photos (another bonus of family photos - a chance to get all prettied up!), and I couldn't be more excited about the results!These cuties are going to have the BEST first Christmas with baby!  I have a feeling he may get a little spoiled, but that kind of comes with the first baby territory, doesn't it??  They also get all the first-round trial and error parenting, so I'm sure it all evens out in the end!This mama was the kind of dream client that has a vision for what she likes, does her research (thanks Pinterest!), and isn't afraid to ask questions! I loved going into this shoot knowing that there were a couple of shots we wanted to try out, and - better yet - they were up for anything I suggested!  I'm so lucky to have met them, and I can't WAIT to photograph this cutie again!Sarah Tanner, Houston Family and Childhood Photographer Sarah Tanner, Houston Family and Childhood Photographer Sarah Tanner, Houston Family and Childhood Photographer Sarah Tanner, Houston Family and Childhood Photographer Sarah Tanner, Houston Family and Childhood Photographer Sarah Tanner, Houston Family and Childhood Photographer


The Dougherty Family - Hermann Park Holiday Photos


The Balli Family - Memorial Park Holiday Photos